Tag Archives: advice

21 of Our Favorite Paulo Coelho Quotes

Paulo Coelho quote poster

Paulo Coelho is best known for his novel, The Alchemist which has sold over 80 million copies worldwide making it one of the best selling books in history. It is defintely one of my all time favorite books. One that I find myself re-reading every year or two. What is so amazing about The Alchemist is that each time I read it, it speaks to me a little differently depending on whats going on in my life. Paulo Coelho’s books explores the most fundamental of human experiences and relationships.

Choosing my favorite Paulo Coelho quotes was not an easy task. There are literally hundreds that are more than worthy of being included on this list. I decided to choose the ones that have the most meaning to me right now in my life. Paulo Coelho quotes are filled with great advice, wisdom and life lessons to help guide you through the obstacles, and challenges of everyday life.

I hope you find as much meaning in these Paulo Coelho quotes as I do. Continue reading »

We Need a Little Encouragement Every Now and Then

It’s everybody’s duty to give the world a reason to dance. —  Kid President

The Wisdom in Golf Balls

Image source: Shutrbug72 on flickr

How many times have you said, “there just isn’t enough time in the day to do the things I really want to do”? We often get so caught up in “life” that we forget to make time for what’s really important to us. Just this morning, as I said those very words, I was reminded of the golf ball story, that I had read not too long ago. The first chapter of The Now Effect by Elisha Goldstein, Ph.D., titled “The Wisdom in Golf Balls“, starts out with this short story: Continue reading »

Top 10 Inspirational Vince Lombardi Quotes

Image source: danxoneil on flickr

Vince Lombardi is considered one of the greatest football coaches in the history of the game. He won 2 Super Bowls as the coach of the Green Bay Packers and the NFL’s Super Bowl trophy is named in his honor. Lombardi is also recognized for his inspirational and motivational quotes and speeches that are often cited by other coaches and speakers that apply both on and off the football field. Just in time for the Super Bowl this year, here are our top 10 inspirational Vince Lombardi quotes. Continue reading »

How to Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions and Make Them Stick

Image source: creaid on flickr

Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going — Jim Ryun

Unfortunately, New Year’s resolutions are much easier to make than to keep and many of us find ourselves quickly breaking them and falling back into old habits. To help set you up for success this year, we created a list of tips on how to keep your New Year’s resolutions and make them stick. Continue reading »

New Year’s Resolution Ideas for 2014

Image source: jeff_golden on flickr

With the holidays behind us, its time to reflect on the past year and look ahead to the new one. The new year often feels like a great time to eliminate old habits and start fresh, which is why so many of us make New Year’s resolutions. Below is our list of New Year’s resolution ideas to inspire you in the new year. Continue reading »

Top 10 Inspirational Coach John Wooden Quotes

Coach John Wooden was not only known as the most successful college basketball coach but also well known for his inspirational and motivational quotes and simple life lessons. On what would have been his 102 birthday, here are our top 10 favorite inspirational and motivational John Wooden quotes. Continue reading »

Top 10 Inspirational Steve Jobs Quotes

Steve Jobs Time is Limited Quote Poster

In memory of Steve Jobs passing one year ago today, here are our top 10 favorite inspirational Steve Jobs quotes from over the years. Continue reading »

25 Simple Ways to Simplify Your Life and Focus on What’s Truly Important

The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak.—Hans Hofmann

When I met my wife 10 years ago, she was a minimalist and I was, well, the opposite. I was an impulsive consumer, always “wanting” and “needing” the latest and greatest. I held on to things both physical and emotional. I kept things, like clothes that I hadn’t worn in years, because I thought maybe one day I would want to wear them again or they would come back in style.  I held onto emotional stuff mainly because I wasn’t even aware of the harm it was doing to me. I held grudges, anger and resentment and had a lot of trouble letting go. I was always “busy” mostly because I was disorganized, I couldn’t say NO and I always wanted to please everyone. As the years went on, my wife fortunately started rubbing off on me and showed me lots of easy ways to simplify my life.

Looking back over the past 10 years I realized that everyone can benefit from her lessons, so I put together this list. Simplifying your life is a process of eliminating everything that is not essential, getting rid of clutter, both emotional and physical, and reducing excess and complexities. This in turn reduces stress and frees up time and space, so you can do the things you actually want to do and help you on the road to a more meaningful life. Even small changes in our environment, thoughts,  habits and attitude can make a big difference in our lives. Funny thing is, this started as a list of 100 easy ways to simplify your life, but instead I decided that the first step to simplifying your life would be to cut down this list. So here are the top 25 ways that worked for me, let us know what works for you. Continue reading »

Live One Day at a Time – A to Zen of Life; Lessons from the Dalai Lama

This A to Zen of Life, lessons from the Dalai Lama poster, can serve as a great guide and reminder to help you live one day at a time and make it a masterpiece. Here is what it says, in case you have trouble reading the image above: Continue reading »