What’s Right with the World – Random Acts of Kindness Week

In honor of Random Acts of Kindness Week we want to take notice of the kindness in the world with “What’s right with the world” today. Enjoy these inspiring stories of kindness, generosity, courage and goodness.

  1. 366 random acts of kindness in 2012
  2. Snow storm inspires random acts of kindness
  3. Bill Gates donates $750 million to fight Aids, TB and malaria
  4. Kindness at the Corner Perk coffee shop
  5. No Rhinos poached in Nepal last year
  6. Blind 11 year old girl finishes Honolulu marathon
  7. Boy writes nice encouraging letter to football player
  8. Kindness overtakes gas station
  9. Restaurant owner surprises strangers with kindness
  10. Jon Bon Jovi opens pay what you can restaurant
  11. Good Samaritan rescues driver

Please share your stories with us about what’s right with the world.

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