Random Acts of Kindness Week

No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.  —Aesop

We can’t believe that we didn’t hear about this until today. This week is Random Acts of Kindness Week from February 13 – 19, 2012.  We stumbled upon the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation website while doing research for another blog post, and are super excited to share what they are doing with all of you. The mission of the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation is to inspire people to practice kindness and to pass it on to others. Each day this week they will be announcing new kindness ideas and will be challenging you to participate.

Everyday this week we will be posting things on the We’re So Inspired blog, Facebook page, and Twitter feed to inspire you to do random acts of kindness.   We highly recommend checking out the Random Acts of Kindness foundation website to get more ideas and getting involved.

What random acts of kindness are you going to perform this week? What was the last random act of kindness that someone did for you?

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